Friday, January 30, 2015

E&E Handout - Chevron

The company that I have selected to analyze for the course is Chevron Corporation. The following section attempt to answer the questions from the E&E handout related to this specific corporation.

E&E Handout Questions

What does the organization do? What is its major work activity?

Chevron is an integrated energy company. For this company their primary activities center around oil and gas. They are involved in the are exploration, production, refinement, and distribution of oil and gas in various locations around the world. The company has other activities that are not included here.

How does the org score on efficiency?
1 2 3 4 5

Since efficiency focuses on inputs, use of resources, and costs, Chevron would come in at a 5. They utilize several automated control system to produce, refine, and distribute their inputs. Additionally since they are controlling the resource from the capture through to the end product, in many ways they could not be more efficient. The only area that in their core business that they would score a lower efficiency is in the exploration part of their business. The environment (on shore, shallow offshore, or deep offshore) in which they are exploring contributes to the efficiency and does not always produce in the end.

How does the org score on effectiveness?
1 2 3 4 5

Chevron tends to display high levels of effectiveness. They continue to generate large revenues based off of their operations year after year. They continue to make a high quality product with arguably no deviation. A rating of 5 in effectiveness would be appropriate for this company.

Where would the organization like to be in the graph?

Chevron is where it would like to be on the graph. The both strive for efficiency and effectiveness. They fit in high and to the right of quadrant D, and want to keep their organization there.

Does the position correspond to the vision and mission statements of the organization?

The Chevron Way is an attempt to provide a vision, mission, and sense of corporate culture and accountability for the organization. There vision is to to be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance. Focusing in on the last word, performance, we can see the position on the graph is where they are striving to be.